Session Report 6/22/2024

Number of players: 3System: Cypher SystemGenre: Science Fiction, Noir InvestigationSetting: The Revel from The Stars Are FireCampaign Length: One-shot adventure, 1 Session, 5 hoursAdventure Hook: Lucy LaRue, a daughter of Ibis CEO Victor Larue, has gone missing on Luna One, and a kidnapping is suspected. There has been growing unrest within the anti-AI faction “NeuralContinue reading “Session Report 6/22/2024”

“Eight” Fantasy Adventure Anthologies

GMs can effortlessly add depth to their games with adventure anthologies. These books offer ready-made quests, NPCs, and locations that can be seamlessly integrated into any RPG system. Eight fantasy anthologies, including classics like Dungeon Magazine, provide a wealth of content for streamlined game prep.

Review: Rust & Redemption (Cypher System)

Product: Rust & Redemption (Print & PDF)Author: Bruce R. Cordell, Dominique DickeyPublisher: Monte Cook GamesSystem: Cypher SystemSummary: Whatever your apocalypse, Rust and Redemption is your tool for building it into a vivid, compelling Cypher System campaign. Explore the full breadth of the genre with a deep dive into the many ends our civilization might face (from zombies to climate collapse to supernaturalContinue reading “Review: Rust & Redemption (Cypher System)”

Review: Wondrous Expeditions: Forests – System Neutral

Product: Wondrous ExpeditionsAuthor: Alex Clippinger, JVC Parry, Elf Vesala, Jeff LeePublisher: LoresmythSystem: System Neutral (though has some D&D 5e-specific items)Summary: Roleplaying wilderness travels can be challenging for us GMs. The Wondrous Expeditions Forest book makes roleplaying wilderness travel exciting, engaging, and challenging. Descriptive, system-neutral content helps bring the environment to life in great detail and atmosphere. Tap into a wealth ofContinue reading “Review: Wondrous Expeditions: Forests – System Neutral”

Review: Quintessential Guide to Encounters (5e)

Supplement: Quintessential Guide to Monster EncountersAuthor: Mr. Tarrasque, Wally DM, Dungeon Dad, JVC ParryPublisher: Self-PublishedSystem: Dungeons & Dragons, Fifth EditionSummary: The Quintessential Guide to Monster Encounters is the definitive guide to building, adapting and running monster encounters. Turn your combat into an encounter and tell a story with each fight to keep your players engaged! Combat encounters are more thanContinue reading “Review: Quintessential Guide to Encounters (5e)”

Review: Campaign Builder – Cities &Towns

The “Campaign Builder: Cities & Towns (PDF)” for Dungeons & Dragons 5e is a comprehensive toolkit, best suited for in-depth worldbuilding and city-centric campaigns. It offers deep insight and practical guidance for creating and enriching fantasy cities. Highly recommended for dedicated world builders and city-focused campaigns.

#Lore24 – Entry 5

Faction: The MangalansAfter They conquered the earth, predictably cults worshipping the invaders popped up across the planet. They are not a monolithic “religion” but they often share many of the same beliefs and behaviors. Knows generally as “The Mangalans” – after the Sanskrit name for Mars – these groups think that if they can impressContinue reading “#Lore24 – Entry 5”

Review: Wastes of Chaos & Tales from the Wastes (5e)

“Wastes of Chaos” and “Tales from the Wastes” are resources for Dungeon & Dragons Fifth Edition (5e) set in a magical wasteland, offering details on chaos magic, races, subclasses, factions, creatures, spells, and magic items. They provide a modular toolkit for creating adventures but lack a specific campaign setting. Conditional recommendation for campaigns set in a wasteland.